Learn more about our mission to promote responsible, sustainable cultivation techniques and positive social reforms that are at the very foundation of everything we do here at 151 Farms.
At 151 Farms we believe
We Really Can Change the World, One Garden at a Time!
Here you’ll find our document videos, the majority we’ve created, that go to promoting logical pathways to responsible legislation and regulation that creates an environment in which we can all grow and prosper. The way we see it we’re ALL connected to each by the food we must eat. Therefore it’s imperative we find ways to work within the natural resources we have available to us, to create sustainable and environmentally responsible ways to care for ourselves and each other. We hope you find our video of interest and will learn that change must come from within. That starts now with you!
16/10/28: Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom and Jason Skinner Discuss the Benefits of AUMA/Prop 64
17/05/11: Dave Armstrong The Difference Between Collectives and Cooperatives
17/12/17: Dave Armstrong Testifying at SBOE Regarding State and Federal Cannabis Law Conflicts
21/02/04: Black Side of Liberty with Nickolas Wildstar and Darryl Cotton
21/01/14: Cannabis Talk 101 Interviews Darryl Cotton
21/04/08: Libertarian Candidate for CA Gov Nickolas Wildstar and Darryl Cotton
21/04/28: An Introduction to our 151 Rock Tub Farms by Darryl Cotton
21/05/01: Eddy and Sandra Lepp of the 151 Farms OG TOUR with Matthew Hutchins
21/05/02: Krista Koenig PART 4 of the 151 Farms OG TOUR where we talk horses
21/05/02: Anna Gabriel and AG HARVEST of SLO County talk permits and losing her farm in the process
21/05/02: Claire Mamakos and Ilias of SLO County 151 Farms OG TOUR Interview
21/05/03: Matthew Hutchings on the 151 Farms OG TOUR Interview
21/05/07: Germany, Patrick Ambassador @ 151 Farms Touring the Rock Farms
21/05/07: Darryl Cotton endorses Nickolas Wildstar for Governor
21/05/23: Alastair “Running Bear” Mulholland describes the benefits of Rock Farming
21/06/13: Wildstar Podcast with Activists Heidi Grossman and George Boyadjian
21/06/15: Wildstar Podcast with Activist Sandra Lepp re Corruption in CA Medical Cannabis Laws
21/06/17: Wildstar Podcast with Darryl Cotton and Activist Wayne Justmann re Repealing Prop 64
21/06/22: Wildstar Podcast with Darryl Cotton & Adelanto, CA Activist Diana Esmeralda Holte
21/06/25: Wildstar Podcast with Darryl Cotton and SLO County Activist Krista Koenig
21/06/28: Wildstar Podcast with Darryl Cotton and Cannabis Activist Charles Lynch
21/06/29: Wildstar Podcast with Darryl Cotton and Social Equity Cannabis Activist Jamal Hackler
21/06/30: Wildstar Podcast with Darryl Cotton and Medical Cannabis Activist John Prinz
21/07/01: Wildstar Podcast with Darryl Cotton and Medical Cannabis Activist “Dank Dave” Armstrong
21/07/06: Wildstar Podcast with Darryl Cotton and Noted Medical Cannabis Activist John Prinz
21/07/07: Wildstar Podcast with Darryl Cotton, Dank Dave and James Cotton, Biologist
21/07/08: Wildstar Podcast with Darryl Cotton, Dank Dave, Steve Z, NJ Weedman and Debbie Madaio
21/07/14: Wildstar Podcast with co-hosts Cotton, Armstrong and Koenig with Matthew Hutchings
21/09/01: Wildstar Podcast regarding Prop 64 and Positive Conflict with Federal Law
21/09/04: Elliot Lewis is NOT a Happy Prop 64 Licensee
22/08/27: Flowering Cannabis in a 151 Closed Loop Constant Flow Aquaponics System
Here you will find downloads that explain our mission and our techniques. Feel free to use these files to present to others what it is that a 151 Farm can do for our communities.
2.1) 151 Rock Farming: It’s Like Bringing a River to Your Roots
2.2) 151 Rock Farms Systems Description and Standard Operating Procedures
2.3) CA Drought Monitor
2.4) US Drought Monitor
2.5) 151 Hand Up Program: A Daughter Plea
2.6) The Art of Urban Farming as an Inalienable Right
2.7) Why Growing Food is the Single Most Powerful Thing We Can Do In a Rigged Political System
2.8) 151 Farms Executive Summary
2.9) We Know the Problems Now What are the Solutions?
2.10) Darryl Cotton Headshot and Bio with Working Links
2.11) Darryl Cotton Headshot and Bio Image Without Links
2.12) 10/28/16 Gavin Newsom and Jason Skinner AUMA Interview with Time Stamped Notes
2.13.0) 22/06/06 Dr. Carrie Waterman, UC Davis Global Food Alliance
2.13.1) 22/06/10 UC Davis Grant Proposal for Urban Farming Technologies utilizing Climate Smart Commodities
The Restoration Act is meant to be bridge legislation when Prop 64 is ruled illegal in a judicial proceeding. It is not imperative that whatever permanent or temporary legislation is called when a judge rules that Prop 64 and any subsequent law passed from it, illegal. What is important is that the replacement legislation contain much of the ideas as set forth in the Restoration Act.
3.1.1) 22/05/11: The Restoration Act
3.1.2) 21/12/01 The Restoration Act – Print Version
3.2) The Restoration Act – A Summary
3.3) 21/09/06: Repeal Prop 64 – Bring Back Medical Cannabis Patient’s Rights
3.4) Repeal Prop 64 Signature Petition.
3.5.1) 21/07/19 Wildstar Letter to CA AG Bonta re Prop 64
3.5.2) 21/07/27 Wildstar Followup Letter to CA AG Bonta
3.5.3) 21/09/07 Wildstar Letter to CA AG Bonta and others re Quid Pro Quo Activities
3.5.4) Proof of Delivery Signature Receipts
3.6) 21/08/15 Adelanto Water Theft for Unlicensed Cannabis Farms
3.7) Blank Petitions to Repeal Prop 64
3.8) Online Signature Petition to Repeal Prop 64
My background in artificial plant lighting started in the 80’s when we used to use old High Pressure Sodium (HPS) street lights to grow indoors. Prior to HPS I had dabbled High Output (HO) and Very High Output (VHO) florescent lamps but when HPS came out it wasn’t so much about spectrum which the HO and VHO lamps emitted awesome vegetative state spectrums but in flower we knew we were missing something. That something turned out to be spectrums. The very spectrums HPS offered in flower but not so much in Veg. So here I am years later, after having my own grow light company, Inda-Gro which produced a type of florescent known as Electro-Florescent Discharge Lamp (EFDL) which allowed me to experiment with not only the intensities and spectrums but with the photo-chemical controls that trigger the plants flowering response bases on the hours of light it sees and how long it takes to slip from a photosynthetically active state of absorbing photons (daylight) to a sleep state where that stored daylight energy begins converting that stored energy (nighttime) into the sugar that becomes flower.
Keep in mind one thing as you review these links and posts. Plant lighting and controls technologies that improve flower quality, increase yields and decrease times to harvest are continually improving and being discovered. The one thing that has never changed is how plants absorb light. They don’t care what brand you have hanging over them or what you paid for those lights. It’s your job as the seasoned indoor farmer to give the plants what they need and to align yourself with a brand that will support you when there are warranty related issues. To that end I will not post anything in this section that I do not believe meets those criteria for us here at 151 Farms and ultimately what might be one of your farms. яндекс