Here is where we will post any relevant News, Laws or Regulations that we believe will have an effect on our mission as 151 Farmers and those customers who rely on our products and services.
24/09/26: US v. ERIC ADAMS – 57 page Indictment
24/08/17: SD Union Tribune re Social Equity Strawman Practice
24/08/11: SD Union Tribune re City of San Diego Paying Out $193M in Legal Awards Over 5 Years.
24/08/07 -SD Union Tribune Article re Andrea Cardenas
24/02/27: Legislative Analyst Report of Cannabis Excise Tax Revenues for 2023-2024
24/02/05_SD Union Tribune re Razuki Final Judgment- Loses Lawsuit to Having “Unclean Hands”
2023 Harvard Law Review: Judicial Immunity at the Second Founding: A New Perspective on § 1983
23/11/01 Cardenas Criminal Complaint
23/02/07: Cotton’s CDOJ-Lee Letter
23/02/07: Cotton’s Redline Comments to the DCC Letter to CDOJ-Lee
23/01/27: DCC Letter to CA-AG Requesting a Legal Position on CA Authorizing the Interstate Sale of Cannabis
22/10/13: CA Assemblymember Christine Garcia Requests a Task Force for Cannabis Corruption
22/04/02 New Republic: The Failed Social Equity Opportunities To Build Black Wealth in Licensed Cannabis
22/04/01 OC Register: licensed-cannabis-businesses-in-santa-ana-los-angeles-raided-over-unpaid-taxes
20/09/04 CA-City and County Regulations Watch (CCRW)Press Release: CCRW Press Release to Boycott CCIA
20/12/02 CAL COAST NEWS: Marijuana Dispensary Stolen by Partners Lawsuit Claims
19/10/25 MJBIZ Part One of Three: Who is HdL? How a Little Known Tax Auditing Firm Became the Kingmakers of the California Marijuana Industry
19/08/16 Forbes Magazine: FBI-Seeks-Tips-On-Marijuana-Industry-Corruption
19/05/25 MJBIZ Part Two of Three: Who is HdL? Decades of Relationships give rise to HdL’s California Cannabis Stronghold
19/05/26 MJBIZ Part Three of Three: Who is HdL? Profit-maker or profiteer? Cannabis industry conflicted on HdL’s influence, impact
19/05/27 VICE: Major Cannabis Companies are Cutting Hundred of Jobs as the Industry Struggles
19/10/23 PSN: Faced with Mounting Lawsuits the City of Pasadena is Changing its Cannabis Permit Licensing Process
19/10/17 SAC BEE: From the Editor; Your Roll in Uncovering Ukranian-owned Pot Shops and MLS News in Sacramento
19/10/17 SAC BEE: Sacramento Cannabis Shop ‘Stolen’ by Rival While Owner Was in Prison, Lawsuit Alleges
19/10/18 SAC BEE: California Cannabis King Linked to Ukranian Who Was Indicted with Rudy Giuliani Associates
19/10/14 MJBIZ: FBI Probing Potential Public Corruption in Sacramento Marijuana Industry
19/10/09 CAP RADIO: Sacramento Wipes Out Enormous Penalties for Illegal Pot Grows After Judge Determines City Violated Property Owners Rights
19/09/24 PSN: City of Pasadena Sees Cannabis Permit Battles Going to Court
19/07/23: BILLS-116_S.2227 Senator Kamala Harris’s Bill to Decriminalize and Deschedule Cannabis
18/11/22 SKUNK MAGAZINE Darryl Cotton Interview
18/11/12: Tokin Women: Laura Costa Interview
18/08/10 SD UNION San Diego’s Cannabis Supply Chain is Falling Into Place
18/08/04 SD UNION: Marijuana Business Leaders Demand Accelerated Efforts in Shutting Down Illegal Delivery Services
18/07/03 SD UNION; Anger and Frustration Mark the 6 Month Anniversary of Recreational Marijuana in California
18/07/02 KUSI NEWS: New Cannabis Regulations for Testing, Labeling and Packaging are Now in Effect
18/06/29 MJ BIZ DAILY; Local Corruption Becoming Hurdle for Marijuana License Seekers in California
18/06/03 ORGANIC PREPPER: Water is the New Oil. In CA it’s Now Illegal to do Laundry and Shower on the Same Day
18/05/30 KYM KEMP: Humboldt County – Local Inspector is Charged with Taking Bribes from Marijuana Growers
18/05/23 KOB NEWS: Our Watersheds, Rivers and Lakes are Running at Historic Low Levels
18/05/19 FORBES: US Supreme Court to Rule On If Civil Asset Forfeiture Laws are Constitutional – Do They Violate the 8th Amendment?
18/05/19 SD UNION: San Diego City Council Votes Unanimously to Ban Cannabis Cultivation in New Urban Farms
18/05/11 LA TIMES: Governor Brown Proposes Funding to Crack Down on Illicit Marijuana Market
18/05/08 SB SUN FBI Raids Adelanto Mayor and City Hall in Corruption Probe
18/05/03 CLEAR AIR: Indoor Cannagis Farms. California Warns of Second Energy Crisis
18/05/02 US HEALTH: University of Iowa Conducts Research on the Effects of Driving Under the Influence of Cannabis
18/04/07 SD UNION: San Diego’s Climate Action Plan Puts a Hurdle in the Marijuana Supply Chain
18/01/11 SF GATE; Local Dispensary Sues the City of SF Claiming their License was Denied in Favor of a Friend of the Mayors
18/01/10 DCN: Canna-Lawyer Kimberly Simms Talks About Compliant Cannabis Licensing
17/06/16 SD UNION: San Diego – Judge Voids Attorney Client Privilege in Cannabis Attorney Jessica McElfresh Criminal Case
18/01/29 FORBES: California’s Recreational Cannabis-Laws Push Out Prop 215 Compassionate Care Programs
18/01/26 THE CALIFORNIAN: With the Beginning of Recreational Marijuana Sales High Prices Spark Sticker Shock for Customers
18/01/04 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN: As Vets Demand Cannabis for PTSD, Science Races to Unlock its Secrets
18/01/02 REALFARMACY: Why Growing Food is the Single Most Powerful Thing You Can Do To Take on a Corrupt Political System
16/10/28 NBC NEWS: Pot Foes Kevin Sabet and Medical Marijuana Activist Darryl Cotton Come Together to Oppose Prop 64
16/10/24 WEED NEWS: Cannabis Foes and Medical Marijuana Activists Join Forces to Oppose Prop 64
16/10/20 NATURAL NEWS: All Signs Point to a Corporate Takeover of Cannabis
16/10/14 FB: Prominent Canna-Lawyer Brenda Linder Confirms Prop 64 Will Destroy Prop 215 Patients Rights
16/08/23 DRUG POLICY ALLIANCE; Lynne Lyman of DPA on How the Passing of Prop 64 Will Protect Prop 215 Patents Rights (6:50)
15/03/09 CANNABIS REPORTS: Research Showing the Effects and Benefits of Full Spectrum Cannabis Extracts When Compared to CBD Alone
11/08/24 INFOWARS; Gatewood Galbraith (RIP) Discusses the Culture of Corruption that Surrounds Marijuana Laws and Regulation
09/11/11 MAPS: Complete Timeline of MAPS Research on Medical Cannabis for the Treatment of US Veterans Afflicted with PTSD
94/10/10 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF JUSTICE: Using Civil Remedies for Criminal Behavior- Rationale, Case Studies and Constitutional Issues-FULL VERSION
94/10/10 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF JUSTICE: Using Civil Remedies for Criminal Behavior – Abridged Version
1969 FREE PRESS; Removing Corruption in our Government and our Courts; The Scandal of 1969 and the Rise of John Paul Stevens
US Constitution – Bill of Rights
61/01/01 The Enforceability of Illegal Contracts
64/07/02 The Civil Rights Act of 1964
13/08/29: The Cole Memo as a federal position on DOJ response to state legal medical cannabis
16/12/01 FDA Botanical Drug Development Guidance for Industry
17/05/22 Dispensaries vs City of Huntington Beach et al alleging Civil Conspiracy-Fraud-42 USC 1983
18/01/18 Florida Disbars Cannabis Attorney for Unethical Business Practices
20/06/06 BCC List of all Licensed Cannabis Owners and Locations in CA
20/06/24: Elias Testimony re Cannabis Antitrust Law Violations
21/06/28 Standing Akimbo v United States Writ of Certiorari Denial – Justice Thomas Statement
3) 1996-11-05 Prop 215 – Compassionate Use Act (CUA) of 1996 (11362.5 H&S)
3) 2003-10-12: SB-420 – Expands and Amends Prop 215
Section 1: “It is the intent of the Legislature. therefore, to… enhance the access of patients and caregivers to medical marijuana through collective, cooperative cultivation projects.”
The legislature, at 11362.77(e) delegates its authority to make rules and regulations as follows: “The Attorney General may recommend modifications to…this section. These recommendations, if any, SHALL [emphasis added] be made to the Legislature no later than December 1, 2005, and may be made only after public comments and consultation with interested organizations, including, but not limited to, patients, healthcare professionals, researchers, law enforcement and local government. Any recommended modification SHALL [emphasis added] be consistent with the intent of this article and SHALL be based on currently available science.”
Three years past the legislators mandatory deadline, in August 2008, Brown, acting as AG for the State of CA finally publishes Guidelines-2008, including Section IV(b)1 of SB 420 which forbids for-profit commerce in cannabis. “See e.g., Sections 11362.765(a) nothing in this section shall authorize…any individual or group to cultivate or distribute marijuana for profit.” Brown is quoting the language in SB 420 that he is subverting in Guidelines-2008. (See Guidelines-2008 below)
3) 2005 League of CA Cities Legal Analysis of State v Federal Cannabis Laws
3) 2007-February & June_BOE Special Notice re Taxation of Medical Marijuana
2007-February BOE Special Notice as found in Guidelines-2008 Section 1 Para D: Taxability of Medical Marijuana Transactions, as well as it’s requirement that businesses engaging in such transactions hold a sellers permit. (hhtp:// According to the Notice, having a Seller’s Permit does not allow individuals to make unlawful sales, but instead merely provides a way to remit any sales and use taxes due. (We await these documents as we have yet to see it or the original document that this is in confirmation of.)
3) 2007-June BOE Special Notice further clarified its policy that addressed several frequently asked questions regarding medical marijuana transactions. (
3) 11-04-24 SDMC O-20043 See Division 13 at Section 42.1301 (d) “This Division shall be interpreted in a manner consistent with state law.”
3) 11-06-29: Cole Memo re Ogden Memo
3) 14-02-14: The COLE MEMO re Regarding Marijuana Related Financial Crimes
3) 15-07-22: Gavin Newsom’s Steering Committee Blue Ribbon Cannabis Regulations Report
3) 15/10/11: SB-643 AB-243(V1) and AB-266(V1) are combined and enacted as the Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety Act (“MMRSA”)
3) 15/11/20: 7×7 Article on Bonta and Cannabis Regulation
3) USC-2011 Title 21 Chapter 13 Subchapter Part F Section 903
3) 16/06/27: SB 837 Medical Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MCRSA)
3) 16/08/29: AB 2385 Medical Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act Measure D (The Midnight Ride) See Steve D’Angelo, Don Duncan and Willy Brown we’re, under AB 2385 exempted from SB 837 during the “stretch limo” ride. They are already the largest cannabis monopolies in the state and they get Willy Brown to get out of bed and protect just Steve and Don an attorney and head of ASA. Newsom was in the room in SAC. See LA Times photo and article.
3) Prop 64 Section of the 2016 Voters Guide
3) 2016 CA Voters Initiative Guide
3) 16/11/08; Prop 64 – The Adult Use of Marijuana Act as Submitted
3) 16/11/08: Prop 64 – Comprehensive Version
3) AUMA-Environmental Protections
3) 17/10/06: AB 1159 Signed by Gov Jerry Brown
3) 17/02/22: City of San Diego Cannabis Ordinance 0-20793 re City Cannabis Licensing under AUMA
3) 18/01/01: CA Revenue and Taxation Code Section 34011 re Taxing of Medical Cannabis
3) 18/01/04: Sessions Memo Rescinding COLE The Session memo undoes everything set forth in the Ogden and Cole Memo’s.
3) 2019-August: Article re the Medical Cannabis Scheme
3.1) I’m amazed this site is still up.
3.1) SECTION 11: No Positive Conflict Exists Image
3.1) Section 26001(2)(dd) Unreasonably Impracticable Image
3.1) Defining “No Positive Conflict” and “Unreasonably Impracticable”
3.1) Prop 64 Financial Sponsors Flowchart
3.1) 18/09/06 SB-829 Cannabis; Donations
3.1) 18/12/07 FULL VERSION BCC Adopted and Amended Final Statement of Reasons
3.1) 18/12/07 EXHIBIT VERSION BCC Adopted and Amended Final Statement of Reasons
3.1) 18/12/20 Harborside v IRS Commissioner – Memorandum of Points and Authorities
3.1) 18/11/29 Harborside v IRS Commissioner
3.1) 18/10/19 BCC 15 Day Notice of Proposed Modifications to AUMA.
3.1) 18/10/18 BCC Proposed Text of Regulations
3.1) 18/10/19 CDPH Proposed Text of Cannabis Manufacturing Regulations
3.1) 18/10/19 CDFA Proposed Text of Cannabis Cultivation Regulations
3.1) 18/05/01 Adopted BCC Emergency Regulations
3.1) 18/07/01 Code of Regulations for Medicinal and Adult Use Cannabis
3.1) 18/07/01 CA Bureau of Cannabis Control Proposed Text of Regulations
3.1) 18/07/01 Proposed Cannabis Regulations Package
3.1) 18/07/01 How to Get Involved in the Cannabis Regulatory Process
3.1) 17/11/01 Bureau of Cannabis – Disciplinary Guidelines
3.1) 17/11/01 CA Cal Cannabis Cultivation Licensing Executive Summary
3.1) 17/02/22 City of SD Council Ordinance no 20794 Regulating Licensed Cannabis Under AUMA
3.1) CA- An Introduction to California’s Seed to Sale Tracking System
3.1) WA- LCB- BOTEC Analysis Reports Complete
3.1) WA- LCB Bulletin No_16-03 – Official Policy on Cannabis Sampling
3.1) AUMA Section 34018 Special Fund Provision
3.1) HR 3884 The MORE ACT – Congressional Report
3.1) Immunity of Federal and State Judges from Civil Suit- Making a Case for Qualified Immunity
3.1) Typical Cannabis Greenhouse Water Consumption Table
3.2) 20/12/08: HR 3797 for Medical Cannabis Research
3.2) 20/07/27: Amendment to Division B of Rules Committee Striking Medical and Advancing Adult Use
3.2) 21/04/29: House Members Letter to the House Appropriations Committee
3.2) 21/04/29: NORML Advancing Adult-Use
3.2) 21/08/05: NORML Advancing Adult-Use
3.2) 21/12/16: Representative Blumenhauer Year End Cannabis Memo
3.2) 22/03/15: H.R. 2471 Section 531 Page 102
3.2) H.R. 2471 Section 531 Image
4.1) Energy Consumption of Indoor Commercial Cannabis Production by Dr. Evan Mills
4.2) Environmental Risks and Opportunities in Cannabis Cultivation by Dr. Michael O’Hare, Dr. Peter Alstone and Dr. Daniel L. Sanchez
4.3) 10/15/2020: Research Paper: Water Storage and Irrigation Practices for Cannabis
4.4A) Prop 64: Water Codes Law and Regulation
4.4B) Prop 64: Water Codes and Regulation Cover png
5.1) Economies of Scale in the Production of Cannabis by Dr. Angela Hawken
5.2) Identifying and Minimizing Burdensome Regulations on Cannabis Industry Firms by Ms. Jill Lamoureux, MBA and Mr. Luigi Zamarra, CPA
5.3) Cannabis Markets Projected to Reach $23.4 billion and Employ Nearly 500K Americans by 2022 by BDS Analytics
5.4) Economic Modelling for Marijuana Businesses by Mr. Luigi Zamarra, CPA
5.5) A Guide to Political Cronyism and Government Created Wealth
6.1) The Failed Promise of Legal Pot by The Atlantic
6.2) New Study Highlights the Social Impacts of Cannabis Legalization in California by Forbes
6.4) The Racist History of Banking
6.5) Rick Simpson; A Sensible Guide to Cannabis Regulation
6.7) A Daughters Plea. What Our Nursing and Convalescent Homes Should Be.
7.1.1) USDA Interim Ruling on Hemp Licensing
7.1.3) Editors Guide to Hemp Provisions in the 2018 Farm Bill
7.3) What is CBG and What Does This Cannabinoid Do?
8.1) SAM: Smart Approaches to Marijuana – Preventing Another Big Tobacco
8.2A.1) 1961; United Nations Single Convention on Narcotics Signatory Countries to this Treaty may only use Cannabis for Medical and Scientific Purposes – Article 49-2(f)
8.2A.2) 01/24/19: World Health Organization Recommended Changes to Cannabis Classification
8.2.3) 01/03/20: Proposed Changes to the Single Convention on Narcotics
8.2.5) 02/24/21: International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) Guidelines on Medical Cannabis
8.5) The Devil is Always in the Details
8.6.2) Take the Attorneys Corner Survey @
8.6.3) The Medical Cannabis Patient Advisor
8.6.4) 12/20/20 Darryl Cotton Bio and Mission Statement
8.6.5) Dalbercia Inc Company Info